It’s a Beautiful Day…
Getting out the door seems so much easier when the sun is out. I’m currently sitting in my room about to go for a run with the sun beaming through the window. It’s cool but not cold, breezy not blustery. Perfect running conditions.
I find it so much easier to motivate myself when the weather is on my side, it’s one less mental hurdle to conquer before firing up the Garmin, donning my running shoes and heading for the road. It’s also the time of year just before hay-fever kicks in, no tablets required – win!
I’ve been watching the Cricket World Cup for the last week or so, now England are out I’m just watching as a neutral, the weather over in New Zealand and Australia looks ace too! They’re two countries that I’d love to visit in my lifetime, just to watch the cricket and maybe run in some decent weather.
Best be off, I have a run to catch!