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Tag: Relationships

Controlled: The Boiling Frog Analogy

Controlled: The Boiling Frog Analogy

Abuse and The Boiling Frog Analogy Those of you who know me will have probably heard me explain the boiling frog analogy at great length.  I love it.  For all the wrong reasons.  It is applicable to so many people in their daily lives.  It is a part of a greater problem which needs to be tackled in society but before it can be stopped, people need to realise the situations they are in.

Why society needs to take note of the Nationwide advert…

Why society needs to take note of the Nationwide advert…

The Nationwide Advert   The popularity and availability of social media makes it easy to reach out to people.  Now, more than ever, it is easy to keep in touch with friends and family even if you are miles apart.  A quick text message, WhatsApp or Snapchat takes seconds.  The idea that you don’t have to be in the same place as somebody to ‘talk’ to them is welcome in today’s global society.  I keep in touch with friends…

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