Back to the grind

Back to the grind

It has been 5 months since I last posted on this blog.  That doesn’t mean it’s been five months since I last exercised but they have been busy hence my lack of posts here.  I graduated from university with a 2:1 in English Language in the spring and I’m glad to be in a full time job now, even if that means working near 40 hours a week – at least my gym membership takes care of itself!

The summer was a bit drab, apart from a glorious week away in Majorca where running in 35 degree heat was a fantastic, if slightly challenging experience, my running exploits have been underwhelming.

During that time, I have started training at the gym again but this time under the instruction of a personal trainer and I’m pleased with my progress.  I know very little about human anatomy but have no doubt that if I was to categorise myself into one of the three main body types I’d definitely fall into the ‘ectomorphic’ type.  I’m thin and short and, until recently, didn’t have any muscle to speak of at all in the upper part of my body, that had to change.  My personal trainer has recommended three sessions aimed at increasing my upper body strength and, after only a short time I can already tell the difference.  Battling against my body’s natural tendencies not to build muscle means that I’ve also invested in a protein shaker and protein powder.  Who knew that protein was so expensive?!  Whilst it’s not what I’d call tasty, it’s a necessary evil in order to get results I suppose.

Ironically, the start of October seems to have coincided with the best weather Manchester has had for a long while, just the encouragement needed to head back out of the door and start running again.  I just hope I don’t come down with yet another cold, since I’m only just shaking off one I’ve had since the start of last month.

So I’m back.  I’m determined to continue improving, and start posting on here a lot more regularly than I’ve managed over the last few months.  I’m starting to get itchy feet and fancy doing a 10k at some point in the not too distant future, who knows.

I seem to suffer with colds and viruses quite a lot and whilst I’ve now upped my calorie intake and started taking B Complex (+ Vitamin C) tablets, I’m interested to find out ways that other gym goers stave off getting ill.  Any suggestions in the comments section, no matter how small or trivial, would really be appreciated.

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