A hitch in my stride

A hitch in my stride

So the plan has been going well, 4 workouts in the last 7 days.  It would have been 5.  Last night I went to bed, determined to go out today and put some miles into my legs.  Today, I woke up with a stinking cold.  Until about 1pm I brushed it off and told myself that I’d go out and ‘run it off’.  Many sopping wet, sometimes blood-filled tissues later, I decided that probably wasn’t the wisest course of action.

And I’m so frustrated.

Yesterday’s gym session and the day before had gone near-perfectly.  I was feeling physically good, not fit, not in good condition, but in good form at the very least.  I wanted to go out there today, stick 5 miles or so in the bag and continue in that same vein.  Boom.

But life sometimes gets in the way.  Especially in winter it seems, and it had to happen on a dry day too!

And so I’ll begin again the next time the tap in my nose turns itself back off.  But until then this blog post on my frustration at not going for a run will have to suffice!


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