Four Positives of a 4AM Alarm
Rolling over to switch my alarm off at 4am is never something I look forward to. My bed is always at its comfiest when I know I have to get up for an early shift. Often, waking up before 6am feels like a chore and my bed suddenly becomes the most comfortable it has ever been. Yet despite the downsides, there are some benefits to waking up so early…
Whilst nearly everyone is still in bed, the world is a more tranquil place. Everywhere is still and there are no phone calls or distractions preventing you from getting those niggling jobs done before work. This also provides the perfect time to contemplate; and whilst I would never advocate setting a 4am alarm just so you can ponder which sandwich filling to choose for tomorrow’s lunch if you just happen to be awake take your opportunity!

As the dawn breaks the peace gives way to nature, at least for a while. The early morning birdsong is a welcome exchange for an extra hour in bed! I live in an urban area and have often been surprised at some of the animals who cross my path whilst driving in the early hours.

Save for the overnight truckers and fellow shift workers the roads are empty. Whilst there are often diversions in place whilst roadworks are done at night, main thoroughfares which are always bustling during the day are often clear. Plus, a quick detour during a quiet hour of the morning beats sitting in a traffic jam any day of the week!
Radio stations are full of adverts and endless chatter between hosts during the day. At night there’s more music to be enjoyed. There’s nothing better than to drive to work to your favourite tunes! Devoid of energy in the early hours I love having the radio turned up loud to spur me on. By the time I get to work I just know it’s going to be a Beautiful Day!
9 thoughts on “Four Positives of a 4AM Alarm”
I agree, when you have to get up earlier than 6am, you can have a lot of tranquil time to yourself, less noise and watching and seeing the sun come up is nice.
This is a lovely post. Early mornings are truely perfect, and I love it when I’m awake early!
Not sure I could do early mornings as I’m a bit of night owl!
I’m the same, 4am doesn’t come naturally at all!
oh I have to say I can not remember the last time I saw this early morning and have to say I am pleased about that I am not a morning person at all
I’m not much of a morning person but I do like the peace and quiet of being up early! 🙂
Glad you can look so positively on getting up so early, I hate early mornings!
Well done for looking at the positives of such an early start. I dont know if i would be as positive as you! 🙂
It’s nice to see a positive post for once, especially about something people despise.
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